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How to Network and Switch Careers

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Many people believe they're too old to leave their job or that they have reached the end of their careers. Nearly half of Americans have made major career changes at one time or another. This transition takes place at an average age of 39. There are many ways to make a career change easier. You can learn more about how to network within your new industry, and what you are passionate about.

Opportunities at your current job

No matter if you're thinking of changing careers, finding new opportunities at your current job will give you great experience and help boost your motivation. It's important to identify the best opportunities for growth by assessing your skills, interests, as well as experience. Talking to a career coach is a good idea if you aren't sure what to do next. A career coach can help identify your interests and assist you in finding related jobs. Similar jobs are those that require similar skills, qualifications, or experience. Sometimes, you might be able to jump right into a similar job with no additional training.

You can also find great opportunities at your current job by volunteering. This type of job often doesn't require any financial sacrifice. Consider taking on a new position within your company, such a marketing role.

career changers

Networking in your industry

In order to network for a new job, you must first create a list listing your contacts within your industry. The list should include names of potential employers and people who could help you. It also should include associations and professional organizations that you might belong to. You should also note the contact details of those people after compiling your list. Also, write down your goals and list people who might be able help you.

Networking with former colleagues is another important step to help you find a job. Your former supervisors, professors, and colleagues will probably know people in your industry, and may be able recommend you to hiring managers. Likewise, attending industry events is another great way to network with people who are working in the industry you are interested in.

Find your passions

Identifying your passions before switching careers is a key step to achieving your goals. Your passions are what makes you happy. You should strive to be able to do both and make a living doing them. The key to pursuing your passions is to be motivated and persistent. The results of your efforts will be evident over time.

There are many ways to discover your passion. You can pursue your hobbies, interests, politics, current issues, or even animals. Explore your interests by asking why you chose to do them.

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Be paid what you're worth

You might consider changing careers if you are struggling to reach your income goals. You could be stuck in low-paying jobs or in fields with decreasing demand. In this case, it might be wise to pick up some new skills and switch to a higher-paying one.

While salary is important and important, you should also consider benefits. Benefits go well beyond the paycheck. They can save you money over the short term as well increase your wealth. Some jobs offer perks such as child care assistance or tuition reimbursement, as well as more paid time off. Be sure to ask prospective employers for a statement outlining the cost and value of the perks you'll receive.


How to Network and Switch Careers